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PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:13 pm
by floridaglider!!
hi this is the first time my gfemale glider has ever been pregnant i saw her 3 weeks ago and she seemed to have 2 lumps in her pouch they were almost the size of a nickle and then i went on a 3 week vacation and one of my relitives was waching them dont get me wrong she took exelent care of them but i can seem to see the babys the mom came out to feed last night and her pouch looked flat so i figured i would take a peak in there comfe cube i looked in side and of course the started hissin but i didint see any sine of the babys now ther was like 3 small blankets under them so could the babys be wraped up in there somewhere???i didnt want to take all the blankets out just incase i hurt one so if anyone has an  answer plese help thank you so much!Smile

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:26 pm
by Something_To_Be
If you were not SURE there were babies a few weeks ago, then there is no way that they are already detached and in the pouch/cube without mom right now.  NO WAY.  You would KNOW she was pregnant before they detached.  You can't miss it.

IF she was really pregnant, then chances are she canibalized the joeys while you were gone.  Chances are equally as good that she was not really pregnant.


Now, not trying to come down on you, but you REALLY should reconsider breeding.  This is some pretty basic information here, and anyone breeding gliders should know this stuff LONG before breeding.  Is there some reason you are breeding, or can you have your male(s) neutered and be done with this kind of worry?  Sorry to be so harsh, but we owe it to our pets to do our very best by them.  This includes being well informed and in contact with a mentor or two before we do something as important as bringing another life into the world. 

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:36 pm
by floridaglider!!
well im sure she was pregnant is there any chance they could just be sitting in the compy cube all cudled up???

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:36 pm
by Something_To_Be
Remember, gliders stay in pouch for 2 months (roughly) and then come out of the pouch but do not have their eyes open for 2-3 weeks.  IF she had joeys - and IF they were large enough to detach, then they would still have to spend most of their time ON/with mom or dad.  They would not leave the joeys in the cube all alone.  You would hear the joeys cry.  They have to eat almost constantly at that age.   When mom does leave to eat, Dad stays with the joeys.  A Detached joey still has to feed off the nipple in mom's pouch.  They don't come OOP and immediately begin living independently.  They are still COMPLETELY dependent upon mom for 4 weeks and then MOSTLY dependent upon mom for another 1-2.   She would not have left live joeys in the pouch/cube for any length of time alone.  AND, if they were "about the size of a nickel" 3 weeks ago, at best, they would have JUST detached/come OOP. 
I hate to be the one to tell you, but I don't want to lie to you either.  Maybe the stress of having you gone or of change in schedule caused her to pull them.  Or, maybe she sensed that she was not ready to be a mom.  Or maybe there has been recent stress, or her diet is not sufficient to support joeys, or there was something wrong with the babies, or something wrong with mom, or, or, or......  There are so many things that can cause a mom to pull and canibalize joeys.  I'm really sorry, but I would not count on there being joeys in that comfy cube.  AND, if there were, then they likely are not alive, as it has been a while . 
Something_To_Be2008-07-08 23:38:00