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PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:34 pm
by EliZrockZ
Hello I am thinking about getting a sugar glider, but I have a really low budget.  I will only be getting one, (I know ya'll insist on two but I will play with it) So is this cage too small? It's only $90.  The dimentions are 18"x18"x24".  Does it have to be 36" tall???? Thanks for your help!!!

Oh great the pic isn't loading...ok well here is the link...but really? It's cheap but is it too small?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:20 pm
by Cora
Yes its too small .          Mine are 3 feet tall and that should be the bare minimum.  If you do not have the money to support a sugar glider, please dont get one. Vet visits alone will eat your lunch!   Yes they are colony animals, they get lonely with out there own kind, at least 2 in a cage.  I know you are going to do what you want but please dont get a glider. Get a hampster instead, they are cheap.  besides custom cageworks cages rust, rust can be toxic to gliders. Good luck in whatever you decide to do!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:53 am
by EliZrockZ
thank you for your help.  do you know anywhere that i could find a bigger cage for less than $130??? Please???  Yes I have the money but i'm only 13 and i'm using my own savings since i was like 5!!! I know they're colony animals but my stepdad's son had one when he was my age and it didn't get lonely or depressed and die or anything it loved him so I am sticking to only getting one.

And I really don't want to be rude when I say this but I AM NOT GETTING A HAMPSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand hampsters!!! My friends have them and they all got eaten by dogs and all that.  Hampsters have like no brain they are stupid and lazy and all they do is eat and bite and you can hardly hold them!!!  I have had 15 guinea pigs in my life so i'm used to taking care of small animals, but theres also a limit on how smart guinea pigs are too.  i feed them every day and all that and i hold them and all that but they hate me and all they do is poop!!!!!  I try to love them but they insist on hating me that's not my fault!!! I do everything i'm supposed to but with sugar gliders they take the same amount of care but will actually like people!!!

p.s. i thought the custom cageworks cages were made with pvc pipe?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:04 pm
by Blarklark
The thing to think about is.  Its another creatures life your taking in.  You want to make sure you give that creature the best quality of life it can get.  If the experienced people on this site who have had creatures for many years, mention that the cage size needs to be larger.  I'd take their word for it.  If you can't afford it just yet.  I'd save up your money :).  Definitely don't buy something out of impact.